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Free Fedex 2nd Day shipping available on $75+ US orders. Free USPS shipping on $25+ US orders
October 06, '23
How Andre Prepares for an Early Morning Shoot with MËNAJI Skincare Products

Early mornings and long days can take a toll on your skin, especially if you're constantly under the bright lights of a photoshoot. Andre knows this all too well. So, how does he keep his skin refreshed and protected throughout the day? He swears by MËNAJI's men's skincare line. In this blog post, we'll break down Andre's routine and explain why these products can be the perfect addition to your skincare regimen.

👉 Watch the full routine on our Instagram featuring Andre here.

911 Eye Gel: For a Refreshing Morning Start

After waking up early, the first thing Andre does is apply our 911 Eye Gel to his eyes. What makes this product stand out in the sea of men's skincare products?

Key Features

  • Cooling gel formula
  • Quick absorption
  • Lightweight feel

Why You Need It
The gel helps reduce puffiness and the appearance of dark circles, making you look awake and fresh. It's the perfect prep for a day under the hot lights of a shoot or just a typical day at work.

🛒 Shop 911 Eye Gel Now

Lip Balm Agent: Your Shield for Outdoor Protection

Next, Andre uses our Lip Balm Agent to keep his lips moisturized and protected, especially when he's shooting outdoors.

Key Features

  • Long-lasting hydration
  • SPF protection
  • Non-greasy formula

Why You Need It
Exposure to the sun and wind can make your lips dry and chapped. Our Lip Balm Agent not only hydrates but also offers SPF protection, making it a must-have for outdoor activities.

🛒 Shop Lip Balm Agent Now

Face & Body Scrub: The Perfect End to a Long Day

At the end of his long day, Andre makes sure to cleanse his skin thoroughly with our Face & Body Scrub.

Key Features

  • Exfoliating microbeads
  • Natural ingredients
  • Gentle yet effective

Why You Need It
It’s essential to remove the grime and sweat that accumulate on your skin over the day. This scrub does exactly that, leaving your skin clean, refreshed, and ready for some well-deserved rest.

🛒 Shop Face & Body Scrub Now


Whether you’re a model like Andre or someone who has a busy, demanding lifestyle, MËNAJI's skincare line has something to offer you. From waking up fresh with our 911 Eye Gel to protecting your lips and cleansing your face, make these products a part of your daily routine.

Don't forget to check out Andre's complete skincare routine on our Instagram. For more men's skincare and makeup tips, follow us @MENAJI.

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